Friday, January 3, 2014

OMG Oh My Gacha! starts the New Year: TAMAGACHAS 2 and 3

TAMA has 2 sets of TAMAGACHAS at this month's OMG Oh My Gacha event!  There are so many cool things and TAMA is proud to be among them.


Lil Goat - Brown, White-striped and Pale
Lil Weasel - Brown, Chocolate and White
Lil Kitten - Orange (rare), Caramel and Grey
Lil Puppy - Blonde, Smokey and Brown
Lil Turtle - Green, Purple and Teal (rare)


Lil Ram - Russet, Caramel and Chocolate (rare)
Lil Puppy2 - Black-eared, Spotted (rare) and White-striped
Lil Hamster - Golden (rare), Tricolor and Coated
Lil Armadillo - Grey (rare), Red and Yellow
Lil Bear - Polar, Grizzly and Panda

Each 50L a try.  Till January 31st.